Virtual production
The Disney show The Mandalorian made the virtual production tech famous worldwide. Having a massive LED screen is expensive so I challenged myself into creating a small-scale and a much more affordable version. It uses Unreal engine for the real-time component and a simple Oculus Rift S as a cheap camera tracking element.
I had to create some bespoke 3D printed mounts to make sure the VR Headset and controller would work well with the camera.
Vr Tetris
A side project where I explored what different retro games would look like in a VR environment. One of the most interesting experiments was how to translate Tetris into a successful virtual experience. While the concept is quite simple, the implementation had some hidden challenges. While normal Tetris lives by 2D constraints, 3D Tetris has a much more complex and dynamic way to interact with the Tetraminos (the official name for the pieces).
I solved the problem by dividing the issue into two parts: Compare the orientation of each tetromino to the world orientation to determine what rotation each piece has.
Creating a grid system divided by group pieces to be able to have a collision detection that would work even after part of the Tetramino would be eliminated while playing and creating lines.
I am a Home automation enthusiast but sometimes pressing a physical button can be a “boring” experience while being in a VR space.
I connected Unity to a HomeAssistant API, a local backend home automation server, and I was able to control lights in a new way.
A brief overview: Unity and the Oculus integration check to see if they recognize a hand pose, in this case, a finger pointing, when that condition is met if the pose finds a light in its path in the 3D space it will trigger an API call from Unity to HA that will finally switch the light.